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Search No. 1250 - Rubble Rouser -
George Bold |
From: Robert Bold,
charleshenryco@pacbell.net To:
looking4@379thbga.org Sent: Saturday, January
22, 2005 10:14 AM Subject: rubble rouser
my father flew with the 379th in a b17
called rubble rouser. i was wondering if any
photos of this plane and/or crew are available.
my fathers name was George Bold. he passed away
in 1999. thank you for your help. Robert
Robert - We're sorry to
hear of your father's
passing. We'll add his name
to our Taps roll.
Association records for
George W. Bold show he flew
35 missions as a Tail Gunner
with the 524th Squadron from
June 28, 1944 to October 18,
1944. Our records indicate
mission numbers 156, 157,
158, 159, 160, 161, 163, 164,
167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 174,
177, 178, 179, 180, 184, 185,
191, 194, 196, 197, 203, 205,
207, 208, 210, 211, 213, 215,
217, 219, and 223. The crew
on "Rubble Rouser"(photo sent
separately) for Mission 156
were as follows:
Roderick, Walter H, 1st Lt,
Pilot Vandenburg, Richard
H, 2nd Lt, Co-Pilot Heath,
Fred W, 2nd Lt, Nav Hanes,
Lester R, 2nd Lt, Bomb
Anderson, James E, SSgt, R Op
Paff, Harold S, SSgt, TT
Schmidt, Edwin P, Cpl, Ball
Gritski, Walter, Pvt, Waist
Bold, George W, Sgt, Tail
Walter Roderick is on our
current Association roster.
Responding 4 1/23/2005
Search No. 1249 - One Mo' Time - James
J. Lynch
From: "michael dawson"
To: <looking4@379thbga.org>
Sent: Monday, January 10, 2005 12:33 PM
Subject: One Mo' Time
My name is Mike Dawson. My Grandfather's name
was (Technical Sergeant) James J. Lynch. He was
stationed at Kimbolton and flew 35 missions in
the B-17 named "One Mo' Time". His first mission
was flown on Sept. 8th 1944 and his final on
February 1st, 1945. His pilots name was Russ
Meyne. Unfortunatly, my grandfather passed away
1994. This was before I took up his history as a
hobby. He is listed in your TAPS room and me and
my family Thank you for honoring him in such a
way. Fortunatly, I have had the honor and
privilage to talk with Mr. Meyne and I still
can't grasp what these men went through. I have
the utmost respect for those men and what they
did for the world.
On to my point... I
recently received the "379th Bombardment Group
Anthology" as a gift and was disappointed to
find "One Mo' Time" not listed (Section 10(?) ,
Vol. II)as one of the B-17's in the 379th. I am
hoping that you could shed some light onto this
situation for me, because I am fairly confident
about my facts. By no means am I saying I was
dissappointed in the Anthology itself, the
wealth of information it stores will take me
years to absorb. I would like to thank you in
advance for any information you can share with
me about "One Mo'Time".
And I would like to add
a note; please keep doing what you are doing.
Not enough people my age (26) realize and
appreciate what "The Greatest Generation" did,
home and abroad, for the world that we live in
today. Thank you and my membership information
is in the mail. (Suggestion: If you could sign
up on line i think more people might do it.
People my age, unfortunately, are lazy)
Thank you and God Bless,
Mike Dawson
Mike - Association records
for James J. Lynch show he
flew 38 (may not have been
officially credited with more
than 35) missions as a Radio
Operator and Gunner with the
526th Squadron from September
1, 1944 to February 1, 1945.
Our records indicate mission
numbers 199, 206, 208, 209,
210, 211, 214, 215, 218, 220,
221, 223, 224, 226, 228, 229,
231, 232, 236, 237, 238, 239,
240, 244, 247, 248, 249, 252,
253, 254, 257, 258, 262, 264,
265, 267, 272, and 274.
We show no aircraft
serving with the 379th named
"One Mo' Time". Perhaps this
was an "unofficial" name for
the aircraft, since crews
taking over an already named
aircraft typically did not
change the painted name on
it, as it was considered bad
luck to do so. Crew members
on mission #229, first of
many for your grandfather's
crew on "Hellcat Agnes"
(picture sent separately),
were as follows:
Meyne, Russell V, Lt, Pilot
Mattice, Lynn W, Lt, Co-Pilot
Harmon, Robert P, Lt, Nav
Quincy, Arthur J, Lt, Bomb
Lynch, James J, St Sgt, R Op
Castellano, Vincent J, St
Sgt, Eng/TT Cato, Benjamin
R, Sgt, Ball Hay, Peter,
Pvt, Waist Ash, Donald,
Sgt, Tail
Meyne and Robert Harmon are
on our current Association
Responding 4
1/10/2005 Kent
Search No. 1248 - Lt Marshall G Helyar
From: Nigel
Helyar, christine.chester@ukgateway.net To:
looking4@379thbga.org Sent: Sunday, January
09, 2005 11:29 PM Subject: Lt Marshall G
Dear Sirs
I am looking for
information about Lt Marshall G Helyar who was
believed to be killed in action on 30th January
1944. I am trying to trace any information about
him as I believe that he was a relative of the
Helyars who originated in England. I would be
grateful for any information or sources of how
to find out more about him would be gratefully
Yours sincerley Nigel Helyar
Nigel - Association
records for Marshall G.
Helyar show he flew 13
missions as a Navigator with
the 526th Squadron from
November 26, 1943 to January
30, 1944. He may have flown
additional missions, but
these are the ones shown in
our records. Our records
indicate mission numbers 43,
44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 51, 53,
54, 55, 56, 59, and 62. Lt.
Helyar, and most of the crew,
are shown as KIA on Mission
62 to the steel plant at
Brunswick, Germany.
Our records indicate Lt.
Halyer entered the service
from Brattleboro, Vermont, if
that's helpful for your
Crew members
on mission #62 were as
Upson, Frank
E, Lt, Pilot, POW Hake,
Edwin C, Lt, Co-Pilot, KIA
Helyar, Marshall C, Lt, Nav,
KIA Grant, Roy L, Lt,
Bomb, KIA Dreizin, Aaron
(NMI), St Sgt, R Op, KIA
Salamone, Anthony W, T Sgt,
TT, KIA Callison Jr., John
C, St Sgt, Ball, KIA
Heimerl, Sheridan L, St Sgt,
RW, Ret Crook, Hubert L,
St Sgt, LW, KIA Vansickle,
George W, St Sgt, Tail, KIA
Responding 4 1/10/2005
Search No. 1247 - Carl Roberts Jr.
From: Mike Wire
[mailto:Comtx@aol.com] Sent: Thursday,
January 06, 2005 7:53 PM To:
looking4@379thbga.org Subject: Carl Roberts
It's nice to see that the airmen of
the 379th are being honored by your web site.
I'm presently putting together a film
documentary on the S/Sgt. Carl Roberts Jr. who
served with the 379th in the 527th Bomb Group.
Carl's memory of his military service is very
good but after so many years a few particulars
are a bit hazy.
If you could be so kind
as to answer a few questions for me, I would be
very appreciative.
Carl was shot down
over Germany/Belgium just prior to the Battle of
the Bulge. What was the name of the plane he
shot down in? Who was shot down with him? Any
other survivors besides him and the pilot?
What became of his crew's plane "Fireball
He and the navigator brought back
a plane after the pilot and copilot were killed.
What was the name of that plane and who
comprised the crew? I believe the navigator was
recommended for the Medal of Honor but received
something else. What medal was that?
Could you give me the names of all of the crew
on the disastrous flight of "Nobodies Baby"
(42-31592) on Jan. 23, 1945?
I'm amazed
at the depth and breadth of your information and
am extremely grateful for any assistance.
Thank you, Mike Wire
Mike, S/Sgt Carl
Roberts Jr. was in the 379th Bombardment Group
and flew missions with the 527th Bomb Squadron.
Our Association records do not indicate the
aircraft called “Fire Mail” in the 379th BG
inventory or its being shot down over Belgium
prior to the Battle of the Bulge.
Sq. Neuss, Germany (Marshalling Yards) January
23, 1945 Mission # 271 Aircraft 42-31592
"Nobody's Baby" (525 FR-R ). Crashed into Site#
2 (525th) on take off. (Non Operational)
Watson Harold W. -1st Lt, P, WIA
Reopelle Delton C. -F/O, CP, WIA Vogel Rudi
W. -F/O, B, WIA Zellers Donald W. Jr.
-S/SGT, NG, KIA Costello John H. -CPL, RO,
*Cambridge B 4 34 Genoa Nicholas -S/SGT, TT,
*Cambridge B 3 34 Spicer John H. -SGT, BT,
WIA Roberts Carl Jr. -CPL, WG, WIA
Savoca John S. -SGT, TG, *Cambridge E 0 42
The following men were also killed on the
Scarborough Robert J. -2nd Lt,
*Cambridge B 5 31 Leeds Leonard D. -2nd Lt,
+KIA IA/Cherokee Ritchey Joe R. -S/SGT, +KIA
IA/Black Hawk Perskin David F. -SGT, KIA
Mellen Frank J. -CPL, *Cambridge G 6 160
Responding4 1/07/05 Mike
Search No. 1246 - Info regarding
Mario L. Cornell
From: Robin
Ward, robinw@vitatech.com To:
looking4@379thbga.org Sent: Wednesday,
December 29, 2004 3:26 PM Subject: Info
regarding Mario L. Cornell
My father,
Mario Lawrence Cornell, was a pilot in the 379th
Squadron. I believe the name of his plane was
"Busy Baby". Do you have any records of his
participation and/or missions he flew in. We are
visiting Europe in the summer and would like to
take him to some of the places he (or his bombs)
visited so long ago. Thanks, Robin
(Mario's daughter)
Robin - Association records for Mario L.
Cornell show he flew 34 missions with the 527th
SQ from February 4, 1944 to June 18, 1944. He
may have flown additional missions, but these
are the ones shown in our records. Our records
indicate mission numbers 64, 66, 67, 69, 72, 73,
76 (recalled), 77 (recalled), 83, 86, 87, 88,
89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101,
102, 103, 105, 107, 109, 136, 138, 139, 141,
142, 143, 144, and 145.
Our records show
Lieutenant Cornell having flown in a number of
different aircraft, including "Busy Baby" on
Missions 86, 87, 88, 91, 92, 93, 95, 99, 100,
101, 102, 103, 105, 107, and 138. A photo of
"Busy Baby" has been sent separately.
Crew members on mission #93, and who appear to
be his "regular" crew, were as follows:
Cornell, Mario L, 1st Lt, Pilot Carre,
Raymond F, 2nd Lt, Co-Pilot Mellberg, James
M, 2nd Lt, Nav. Berman, Lester T, 1st Lt,
Bomb. Cave, Martin B, T Sgt, R Op Clare,
Marvin (NMI), T Sgt, Eng/TT Baldwin, Charles
J, St Sgt, Ball Bittenback, James W, St Sgt,
RW Carl, Joseph W, St Sgt, LW Corey, John
(NMI), St Sgt, Tail
James Mellberg is on
our current association roster.
Responding 4 12/30/2004 Kent
Search No. 1245 - Robert M. Ringer
From: Rick
Ringer, RARSHODAN@aol.com To:
looking4@379thbga.org Sent: Sunday, December
12, 2004 2:06 PM Subject: RIP
I wanted
to notify you of the passing of one of your
brothers. My father, SSG Robert M. Ringer of the
524th squadron, 379th BG (H) passed away on 7
December, 2004. He was a crew member of "Wound
Twip Wabbit". I don't have exact dates, but I
know he reached Kimbolton around the late
summer/fall season of 1944 and was there until
after the war. He was a nose gunner, and later a
radar operator when they first began putting the
radar jamming equipment in the ships. He was
credited with 24 official missions.
I was
wondering if you could provide me with any
details pertinent to my father's service there -
crew members, aircraft pictures, etc. He has
told me many stories of his experiences there -
both good and bad. He was also able to recite
the names of his crew members as if they were
yesterday - but I have to confess to forgetting
them with time. I remember him mentioning
"Goot", and "Pablo" among others. He told me of
his pilot who came to his crew with previous
experience in another unit. I believe his name
was either Bowman or Mitchell with the first
name being Pat. He said that some of the members
of the crew had nicknames after their wives -
for example, the ball turret gunner's name was
"Cynthia", the other names were as follows:
Radio operator: "Cat", tailgunner: Bob,
Navigator: Fred, waist gunner: "Snafu". Goot was
the top turret gunner/engineer.
He often
talked about "Daniel Boone" who operated the
flak gun on the barge around the Zuider Zee and
how he used to take shots at everyone on their
way to and from missions. He had a million
stories - and I loved hearing them all.
want to thank you all for your service and your
sacrifice for all of us. I am certainly a
believer in the idea that you all have been
correctly named "The Greatest Generation".
May God bless you all.
Regards, Rick Ringer
Rick, We're sorry
to hear of your father's passing. We will add
his name to our "Taps" list.
records for Robert M. Ringer show he flew 22
missions with the 524th SQ from December 11,
1944 to April 25, 1945. He may have flown
additional missions, but these are the ones
shown in our records. Our records indicate
mission numbers 249, 252, 259, 260, 266, 278,
280, 281, 284, 288, 291, 293, 296, 297, 303,
304, 315, 316, 317, 324, 328, and 330. Crew
members on mission #259, and who appear to match
some of the names you remember from his
recollection were as follows:
Patrick, 1st Lt, Pilot Rozear, Frederick C,
2nd Lt, Co-Pilot Reich, James W, F/O,
Bombardier Ringer, Robert M, Staff Sgt,
NG/Togglier Villasenor, Pablo, Staff Sgt, R
Op/Gunner Mitchell, Ivy B, Staff Sgt, Top
Turret Gates, Edward A, Staff Sgt, Ball
Turret Stephan, George W, Staff Sgt, Waist
Huey, Robert W, Staff Sgt, Tail
None of
these crew members are on our current
association roster. Note that following Sgt
Ringer's change of position to what is listed as
"Spot Jammer" (Mission 278 and on), it appears
he flew with many different crews in that radar
While the 379th did fly an
aircraft named "Round Twip Wabbit", we can find
no record of Sgt. Ringer flying on this
aircraft. However, records show his 1st mission
(#249) was flown on aircraft 42-32024, "Swamp
Fire" (photo sent separately). "Swamp Fire" is a
member of the 379th's "Century Club", having
completed over 100 missions.
Responding 4
12/12/2004 Kent
Search No. 1244 - Daniel Sirianni
From: Ellen
Sirianni, ESIRIANNI@aol.com To:
looking4@379thbga.org Sent: Sunday, December
12, 2004 2:32 PM Subject: Looking for
information about my dad's group
My dad is Daniel Sirianni. He was in the 379th
bomb group. I know he is a member of this group.
I was looking for information about the other
members of his group. Whether the members are
still living or not. Could you also tell me how
many missions my father flew with his group. Do
you have any information about him as a prisoner
of war? Iam just looking for any information for
him. Thank you for any help you can give me.
Sincerely yours, Ellen Sirianni
Ellen, Association records for Daniel
Sirianni show he flew 10 missions (may have been
credited with only 9 - mission 37 is listed as
an abort due to an oxygen failure and illness of
LW Gunner) with the 525th SQ from September 9,
1943 to October 14, 1943. Our records indicate
mission numbers 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36,
37 and 38.
The target for Mission #38 was
Schweinfurt, Germany, specifically the
ball-bearing works located there. This was the
8th's second trip to Schweinfurt, following the
tough mission of August 17. On this (October 14)
day, the 8th would dispatch 320 B-17 and B-24
aircraft to hit those ball bearing factories,
229 listed as hitting the target "effectively".
Of those 320 bombers leaving England, 60 would
not return, a loss of almost 20%. Almost 600
crewmen were listed as MIA on this trip, and
this mission came to be known as "Black
Thursday" due to the incredibly high losses
The 379th lost 6 aircraft of
this total, of 17 dispatched, including your
father's. Crew members on mission #38, and what
appear to be his "regular" crew were as follows:
Martin Jr., Roland H, 2nd Lt, Pilot, POW
Price Jr., Linden H, 2nd Lt, Co-Pilot, POW
Maher, Daniel J, 2nd Lt, Navigator, POW
Rittenberg, Irving M, 2nd Lt, Bombardier, POW
Mattern, Edwin L, Tech Sgt, ROp/Gunner, RTMC
Macri, Nicholas J, Tech Sgt, TT Gunner, POW
Peacock, Elihu, Staff Sgt, Ball Gunner, POW
Cihonski, John L, Tech Sgt, RW Gunner, POW
Sirianni, Daniel A, Staff Sgt, LW Gunner, POW
Janik, Adam A, Staff Sgt, Tail Gunner, POW
None of these crew members are on our
current association roster. Sorry, we have no
information on your father's time as a POW, but
you may be able to research further at
www.archives.gov. They maintain a database of
some POW records.
Responding 4 12/12/2004
Search No. 1243 - Roy William
Murphy, Jr.
From: Carolyn
Graham, GRAHAM207@aol.com To:
looking4@379thbga.org Sent: Thursday,
December 09, 2004 10:53 AM Subject: My
Fathers History
My wonderful father
passed away this week. For the past few years we
have been trying to locate information on his
unit. He was stationed in Nairn Scotland during
W.W.II he was a gunner on B-25s and flew more
the 25 missions. He said the unit was the 327
medium bombardment group 8th airforce. His name
was Roy William Murphy, Jr.
Can you
please help us find out any information?
Thank you, Carolyn Graham
Carolyn- We're sorry to hear of your father's
passing. The 379th Bomb Group flew B-17 aircraft
out of Kimbolton, England, and we have no
records for Roy William Murphy, Jr. A quick
check for the 327th Bomb Group flying B-25s does
not show any record of this group, and the 8th
Air Force did not operate B-25 aircraft. It is
possible some of the numbers quoted may be
incorrect, for instance the 8th Air Force flew
B-26 aircraft out of the UK, the 322nd, 323rd,
and 387th Bomb Groups being so equipped.
We suggest you assemble as much information as
you have available, and try to research through
www.armyairforces.com. This site has research
tools and addresses for veterans records, and a
number of forums which may be helpful.
Good luck with your research.
4 12/9/2004 Kent
Search No. 1242 - Russell Shervem
From: "Henry Shervem"
<hshervem@vmtrc.ucdavis.edu> To:
<looking4@379thbga.org> Sent: Monday,
December 06, 2004 12:29 PM Subject: Looking 4
Hello: I am looking for any info on my
father Russell Shervem. I beleve he was a
parachute rigger. Thank You Henry Shervem
Henry- Sorry, we currently show no record of
a Russell Shervem serving with the 379th Bomb
Group. It would be helpful if you could provide
us more information about your father - Full
Name, Date of Service, dates he may have been
stationed at Kimbolton, etc. Any additional
information would be useful.
Responding 4
12/6/2004 Kent
Search No. 1241 - James A. Burgess
From: Barry Siegle, SiEGLESX4@comcast.net
To: looking4@379thbga.org Sent: Saturday,
December 04, 2004 7:12 PM Subject: James A.
Dear 379th BG Association, Can
you check your records to see if you have any
information on when a James A. Burgess left
Pilot Howard H. Hamilton's crew. He arrived with
the group in May/June 1944 and was supposedly
reassigned to another location. He was the tail
gunner in the original crew and was replaced by
Robert Wilmoth.
Both my father and
several of the crew members said that Burgess,
from Illinois, was only with the crew of the
"Red Dragon" for a few weeks. I know that at
onetime someone there suggested he may have been
reassigned to a BG in Italy. Can someone check
the 379th BG records for me and pass any info
you may have. Thanks and Merry Christmas to
all!!! Barry Siegle/Member 379th BG
Barry, Sorry, Association records do not show
James A. Burgess as assigned to the 379th.
Association records for Howard Hamilton's crew
show Robert Wilmoth as Tail Gunner for all the
missions flown by this crew between July 6, 1944
and August 9, 1944. Missions flown by Robert
Wilmoth in the Tail position were, according to
our records, 160, 161, 162, 165, 166, 168, 170,
171, 172, 173, 174, 177, 178, 182, 183, 185, and
Responding 4 12/6/2004 Kent
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