C. Hathaway,
Pilot, 379th BG, 524th Squadron
Yes, the end-result is that our crew completed 33
missions in the B-17 with the magnificent 379th Bomb
Group but it did not start out that way. So what is new
about the army's way of doing things?
We did, in
fact, train as a B-24 crew which came together at
Westover Field, Ma. in late Sept, 1944 and immediately
banded together as a family. We were ten young men, all
from different states; TX, PA, LA, KY, MT, MN, MA, IL,
NY, and OK, destined to spend an unknown period of time
with each other in situations where our very lives would
depend upon each other.
Our overseas training was
at Chatham Field (now Savannah municipal airport) in
Savannah GA. We knew we were ultimately heading into
combat overseas but knew not where. Our bombardier, Tom
Shively did not accompany us overseas. Mass pattern
bombing had become the desired method and a bombardier
was not needed on every plane. Tom remained stateside to
train other bombardiers and was the only one of our crew
that followed a military career. He never had the
privilege of flying with the 379th!! From Savannah we
reported to Mitchell Field, NY to await further
assignment. After one week of weather delays at
Mitchell, we finally got our orders. England it would
be, with stops at Bangor Maine, Goose Bay, Labrador,
Reykjavik, Iceland and the final destination at Valley
Wales. Then on to the replacement center at Stone
England on Nov. 22 1944.
I suppose all crews went
through Stone England, both entering and leaving
England. It was a period of extreme anxiety when
entering and extreme excitement when leaving. Our entire
group of 30 plus B-24 crews were suddenly mixed with air
crews of all descriptions. Those entering, with no idea
as to what to expect and those leaving, having completed
their required tour and probably thinking, "you innocent
devils, I survived my tour, now it's your turn." Those 6
days spent at Stone were extremely enjoyable, as well as
educational. It was truly our first experience with an
"Airman's Melting pot".
On Nov. 28, 1944, we left
Stone to report to our newly assigned base, the 379th
Heavy Bomb Group, located at Kimbolton England. The
short trip was by rail and upon alighting from the
compartment in our rail car this B-24 crew observed
NOTHING but B-17s in all directions. In astonishment, we
immediately looked at each other and said, "What the
hell are we doing here!" We double-checked our written
orders and we were at the correct destination. We
immediately reported to the officer in charge, presented
him with our official transfer papers, watched him go
over them, then turn to us with eyes as big as saucers
and exclaim, "What the hell are you guys doing here-you
are a B-24 crew - this is a B-17 outfit”. Our instant
reply was, "sir, that's what we would like to know. We
too are dumbfounded!" His reply was, "0K, I'll put you
up for the night and call Pinetree (code name for
headquarters in London) to see what the hell I'm
supposed to do with you and will see you here tomorrow
morning at 09:00." Confused?, scared?, excited?, full of
anticipation? YES, all of the above!! Here we were,
finally ready for combat after hundreds of hours in
training, and the authorities don't even know what to do
with us!!!!! Good grief, what now??
09:00 AM,
following morning, we report to the officer in charge
who reports to us, "Pinetree advises me that I am
supposed to keep you, train you, and use you as a B-17
combat crew, which we need more than the B-24 groups do.
They tell me you are " quite adaptable and we can train
you readily." (We were one of five crews assigned to the
379th that particular day but I think that we were the
only B-24 crew involved.) In the mighty 8th Air Force
the 1st and 3rd divisions were B-17s and the 2nd
division was B-24s - hence-twice as many B-17 crews were
needed as compared to B-24 crews. We wondered at the
time: "Do they really mean "ADAPTABLE or EXPENDABLE.” We
later found that it was a genuine compliment that they
considered our crew capable of being readily adaptable
to unusual situations as needed.
approximately 6 hours training as co-pilot while
slow-timing newly installed engines and 2 missions as
co-pilot, all with pilot Garner Brown, (Re: Group
mission # 248 and 252) I was pronounced ready to go as
first pilot. The rest of the crew also received a very
short indoctrination in the B-17 and was pronounced as
ready. As shocking and traumatic as it was at the time,
we all later admitted that it was a good transfer. We
successfully completed 33 missions and returned home in
one piece.
The B-17 is a more "forgiving"
aircraft and is truly capable of "coming in on a wing
and a prayer" when the B-24 could not have done so!
However, I am most grateful to have had the unusual
privilege of piloting BOTH of these fine bombers.
Carl C. Hathaway, 1st Pilot, 379th BG, 524th