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Search No. 1260 - Crashes in
France |
From: "Philippe
JEGOUSSE" <pjegousse@infonie.fr> To:
<looking4@379thbga.org> Sent: Sunday, March
06, 2005 2:03 PM Subject: Aircrafts crashes
in Brittany (France) 379th BG
Please find here-attached a document. You
may help me to progress in investigations :
Let introduce myself : I'm a french guy
who tries to set up a data base of planes
crashed in a county west of France during WWII.
The main city bombarded in this area was Lorient
and its submarine pens. But many planes were hit
on the way back to UK, coming from Saint
Nazaire, Nantes and Biscay gulf.
already list a large number of plane, but I miss
details like marks, crew, names ....and of
course accurate details of operations or losses.
I'm trying to get some help from somebody who
get access to database in USA. I do have such
help in UK.
But, I get some lines which
are difficult to investigate : sometimes I get a
name or an information without detail. In such
case, we can check planes crashed in the area to
progress with investigations. In return, I can
correct some area, names ...I remember I
answered to somebody who was wondering where was
coming the name of "Kerlin Bastard german air
base" (Lann Bihoue Lorient airport today !). Of
course, I can inform about local stories of
Please, find hereafter
investigation points I propose to you :
For all Bomber Groups (BG), can somebody inform
me about which Bomber Division (BD) and Bomber
Wing (BW) they were assigned MAY 29, 1943.
Mission Number 61: 169 B-17's are dispatched
against the submarine pens and locks at
Saint-Nazaire, France; 147 aircraft hit the
target at 1706-1711 hours local; we claim 6-0-1
Luftwaffe aircraft; we lose 8 B-17's, 1 is
damaged beyond repair and 58 are damaged;
casualties are 10 WIA and 71 MIA.
On the
8 B17 lost that day, 4 crashed in the area I
study :
1 - B17 type ? 42 29838 RQ U The
Concho Clipper of 351 BG 509 BS crashed at
Ploeren (close to Vannes) Please confirm the
crew : I got 7 KIA and 4 POW ! MACR ?
2 -
B17 F 25 DL 42 3113 FR F name ? of 379 BG 525 BS
crashed at Pontivy or Vannes ? MACR 1292 ?
Please confirm the crew : I got 7 KIA and 4 POW
3 - B17 42 29773 LF F Up Anothem from
379 BG 526 BS crashed at Crach (close to Auray).
6 airmen were buried in Guidel cemetery :
Franck, Kuchl George, Kuchl Robert and 3
unknown. If name Kuchl is not right and it
appears that is Kuehl, maybe those airmen came
from this aircraft ? Please, confirm crew. Can
you confirm name of B17 : I found Up and Then
also Don't hesitate to forward any detail or
photo to help. MACR ?
4 - B17 type ?
serial ? code ? 303 or 305 or 379 BG crashed at
Le Bono (close to Auray). Most of the crew
seemed to be captured. Please, inform about the
crew, details of crash . MACR ?
I found a
letter of a French guy who said that 9 airmen
were rescued at Malestroit and were kept hidden
during 7 days : maybe, they were coming from
aircrafts hereabove ?
Thanks Philippe
Philippe - The 379th Bomb
Group (Heavy) flew 330
missions between 29 May 1943
and 25 April 1945. The 379th
was assigned to the 41st
Combat Wing, 1st Bombardment
Division. The 379th's first
combat mission, flown on 29
May 1943, was to the
submarine pens at St.
Nazaire. Three group aircraft
were lost that day. Aircraft,
and crews, are listed here.
B-17F 42-3113 (FR-F, no
name), crew as follows:
Hale, Arthur P, Lt,
Pilot, POW Sharp, Stuart
M, Lt, Co-Pilot, POW
Andruskiewicz, Bernard, Lt ,
Nav,POW Ahern, Jerry B
,Lt, Bomb, POW Lansiter,
Joseph E, Sgt, Radio Op, POW
Ford, Charles N, TSgt, Top
Turret, POW Whitney,
Chester A, SSgt, Ball Turret,
POW Moore, Chester T,
SSgt, Right Waist, POW
Hilton, Lee S, Sgt, Left
Waist, POW Josselyn,
Lawrence E, SSgt, Tail, POW
B-17F 42-29773 (LF-F, "Up
& At 'Em"), crew as follows:
Hall, John O, Cpt, Pilot,
POW Thomas, Willard S, 1st
Lt, Co-Pilot, POW Koves,
William J, Lt, Nav, POW
Griffin, James M, Lt, Bomb,
POW Adrick, F A, TSgt,
Radio Op, KIA Belock,
Michael R, TSgt, Top Turret,
MIA Vanderstraeten,
Robert, Sgt, Ball Turret, KIA
Hague, G F, SSgt, Right
Waist, KIA Gallamore,
Clarence E, SSgt, Left Waist,
KIA Kuehl, R G, Sgt, Tail,
B-17F 42-29878
(LF-G, "Lady Godiva"), crew
as follows:
Theodore M, Lt, Pilot ,
Returned Bourn, Jack W,
Lt, Co-Pilot, POW Moore,
Woodrow T, Lt, Nav, POW
Rosacker, Warren J, Lt, Bomb,
POW Scott, J M, TSgt,
Radio Op, Returned
Spencer, M M,TSgt, Top
Turret, POW Blubaugh, W E,
SSgt, Ball Turret, POW
Ayres, W T, Sgt, Right Waist,
POW Cribelar, P R, SSgt,
Left Wais, POW Brown, G A,
TSgt, Tail, POW
that our records indicate 2
crewmen from 42-29878 are
listed as "Evaded Capture".
Perhaps they could be part of
the group of 9 you indicate
as rescued at Malestroit.
This query will be posted in
our Looking 4 section on the
website; perhaps one of our
members can provide
additional information.
Responding 4 3/23/2005
Search No. 1259 - Maurice Preston
From: Matt Bishop, Noroots8@aol.com
To: looking4@379thbga.org
Sent: Saturday, February 26, 2005 11:43 AM
Subject: looking for info
I am looking for
information on Maurice Preston. He was my great
uncle. Any additional information which you
might have on his brothers would be great. I
remember my "uncle Rawlin" from when I was a
child and I was told he had another brother
Dedo(?) who was an officer as well. I think he
had a brother Ed who lived in San Luis Obispo.
Another brother who would have been my
Grandfather died before my father was born.
Maybe someone in your organization knew his
family well enough to explain this all to me. My
information is incomplete and I'm not sure how
accurate it is. thanks
for the help Matt Bishop
Matt - Association records
for Colonel Maurice Preston,
Commanding Officer of the
379th Bomb Group from
November, 1943 to October,
1944 show he flew 30 missions
as Lead Crew from May 29,
1943 through April 17, 1945.
Our records indicate mission
numbers 1, 2, 3, 6, 14, 20,
21, 26, 29, 31, 35, 39, 55,
62, 71, 93, 95, 96, 107, 116,
125, 127, 128, 144, 167, 182,
189, 203, 247 and 327 (8th
Air Force Lead plane).
Colonel Preston may have
flown additional missions,
but these are the ones we
have in our records.
Crew on Mission 1 to St.
Nazaire, in a/c 42-3175, "The
HA" (A photo will be sent in
seperate email), the 379th's
first combat mission, was as
Maurice A, Lt. Col, Pilot
Rohr, Louis W, Major,
Co-Pilot Dutch, Andrew K,
Lt, Nav Brown, Joseph A,
Cpt, Nav-GEE Francis, John
J, Lt, Bomb Blick, James
E, SSgt, Radio Op Gullace,
Anthony J, SSgt, Top Turret
Slagowski, Clyde L, SSgt,
Ball Turret Schrader,
Harold L, SSgt, Right Waist
Greeley, Robert E, SSgt, Left
Waist Howe, Charles M, Lt,
Tail-Formation Control
Joseph Brown is on our
current Association roster.
We're sorry, we have no
family information for
Colonel Preston. This query
will be posted in our Looking
4 section on the website;
perhaps one of our members
can provide personal
recollections, stories, etc.
Responding 4 3/15/2005
Search No. 1258 - Joseph H. Quinn 526th
bomb squad-379 bomb group
Jerry&Mary, marjer1@sbcglobal.ne To:
looking4@379thbga.org Sent: Friday, February
25, 2005 8:42 PM Subject: Joseph H. Quinn
526th bomb squad-379 bomb group
having information about my father Joseph H
Quinn who flew in a B-17 bomber, he was a tail
gunner, looking for any information, don't know
the tail # or much information other than it was
S/SGT J.H. Quinn # 524 bomb squad 379 bomb
group, have his I think serial # 2174266.
He was a very friendly man , a good friend
to anyone he came across, would give you the
shirt off his back kinda man. Great integrity
and good morals. looking for someone that has
any information about my dad. How many missions
he flew, I have a very old paper with names and
addresses of almost 30 men in the 13th company,
looks like reassignment papers from Fort Dix.
N.J. they are restricted All men from New York,
I am looking for someone that could help me read
these papers. hard for me to understand.
Thanks Joseph H. Quinn's Daughter (Mary A.
Mary - We're sorry to hear
of your Father's passing. We
will add his name to the
Association's Taps roster.
Association records for
Joseph H. Quinn show he flew
28 missions as Top Turret
Gunner with the 524th
Squadron from June 22, 1944
to September 21, 1944. Our
records indicate mission
numbers 150, 156, 157, 159,
160, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170,
171, 172, 173, 174, 176, 178,
179, 180, 184, 185, 186, 188,
189, 192, 199, 201, 204, and
207. Sgt. Quinn may have
flown additional missions,
but these are the ones we
have in our records. Crew on
Mission 163 to Munich, in a/c
42-31228, "London Avenger",
and what seems to be Sgt.
Quinn's "regular" crew was as
John W, 2nd Lt, Pilot
Blumenkranz, Sidney, 2nd Lt,
Co-Pilot Gilbert, Loren I,
2nd Lt, Bomb Marsh, Frank
R, SSgt, Togglier Briscoe,
Woodrow, TSgt, R Op Quinn,
Joseph H, TSgt, TT Pitman,
Frederick C, SSgt, Ball
Mcneice, John J, SSgt, Waist
Jones, John M, SSgt, Tail
Woodrow Briscoe is on our
current Association roster.
The papers you describe may
be transfer or reassignment
orders. If they can be
scanned and sent in a
response to this message, we
can try to understand what's
there, and hopefully provide
an explanation.
Responding 4 2/27/2005
Search No. 1257 - Leonard W. Flatt
From: Rick
Ralston, rick.ralston@sbcglobal.net To:
looking4@379thbga.org Sent: Wednesday,
February 23, 2005 5:58 AM Subject: SSGT
Leonard W. Flatt
SSGT Flatt is my mothers
brother. I know he was a radio operator in the
379th group 524 flight. I also know he was KIA
on 5/24/1944. I would like any information on
missions he flew, name of aircraft and crew
Thank you Rick Ralston
Rick - Association
records for Leonard W. Flatt show he flew 2
missions as Radio Operator/Gunner with the 524th
Squadron from May 23, 1944 to May 24, 1944.
Our records indicate mission numbers 123 and
124. Sgt. Flatt may have flown additional
missions, but these are the ones we have in our
Sgt. Flatt flew his first
mission on a/c 42-32093, "Big Barn Smell". (A
photo will be sent in seperate email), His
second mission was flown on a/c 42-39828, "Penny
Ante". No photo of that a/c is available from
the Association, however the following link
(www.afmuseum.com/shop/retbase.html) describes a
currently available book that follows the "Penny
Ante" and an earlier crew, and there may be
photos available there.
Crew on "Penny
Ante" for Mission 124 to Berlin was as follows:
Kunda, Theodore E C, 2nd Lt, Pilot, POW
Burton, Robert B, 2nd Lt, Co-Pilot, POW
Swift, Marvin H, 2nd Lt, Nav, RTB Evans,
Howard B, 2nd Lt, Bomb, RTB Flatt, Leonard W,
SSgt, R Op, KIA Pook, Roy T, SSgt, TT, RTB
Tomaselli, Anthony, Sgt, Ball, MIA Taylor,
George F, Sgt, Waist, KIA Vinson, Russel G,
Sgt, Tail, KIA
Note that "RTB" indicates
Returned to Base. None of the survivors listed
are on our current Association roster.
Responding 4 2/25/2005 Kent
Search No. 1256 - Leo L. Jordan
From: Joe
Jordan, JRJemail@aol.com To:
looking4@379thbga.org. Sent: Tuesday,
February 15, 2005 9:27 PM Subject: Leo L.
I am looking for any information
that I can find on my Father, Leo L. Jordan. I
believe he was in the 527th Sq. He was involved
in a mid-air collision on 1/10/45 and was
captured as a POW. He was liberated in May 1945
from Stalag Luft 1. He passed away in 1985.
I would be very interested in the name of
the plane, as well as any pictures of the plane
and crew. Also, do you have any knowledge of
surviving members of his crew?
Joe - Association records for Leo L. Jordan
show he flew 12 missions as Pilot with the 526th
Squadron from December 18, 1944 to January 10,
1945. Our records indicate mission numbers 250,
251, 252, 254, 255, 256, 257, 259, 260, 261,
263, and 264. Lt. Jordan may have flown
additional missions, but these are the ones we
have in our records.
Most of Lt. Jordan's
missions were flown on a/c 43-38955 (FO-O).
There was no known "name" for this aircraft. On
January 10, 1945, Mission 264, this aircraft
collided in mid-air with 43-38237 "Dallas Doll".
Crew on your father's aircraft were as follows:
Jordan, Leo L, 2nd Lt, Pilot, POW Byers,
John F, 2nd Lt, Co-Pilot, KIA Baldwin, Robert
G, 2nd Lt, Nav, POW Damiani, Joseph L, SSgt,
Togglier, KIA Smallidge, Kerrane A, TSgt, R
Op, POW Goberman, Charles A, TSgt, TT, POW
Corbin, David E, Sgt, Ball, POW Chapman,
Stanton W, Sgt, Waist, POW Tolan, Francis H,
Sgt, Tail, POW
Sorry, none of the
survivors are on our current Association roster.
Your father is listed on our Taps roster.
Responding 4 2/16/2005 Kent
Search No. 1255 - Chester Lundquist
From: Kay Kopp,
Kaykopp@bellsouth.net To:
looking4@379thbga.org Sent: Thursday,
February 03, 2005 7:51 AM Subject: Chester
I am looking for any
information about Chester Lundquist. I know he
was in the 379th bomber group, and in the 527th
Squadron. Other than the fact that he was KIA on
his very first bombing mission, I know very
little about his war record. If you could tell
me the name of his plane, other crew members
(which I believed survived the mission and
became POWs). Chester was my great uncle and I
would love to give any information to my dad.
Love your web page!!
Kay Kopp
Kay - Association
records for Chester Lundquist show he flew 4
missions as a Waist Gunner with the 527th
Squadron from July 28, 1943 to August 12, 1943.
Our records indicate mission numbers 15, 16, 17,
and 18. Sgt. Lundquist may have flown additional
missions, but these are the ones we have in our
Three of his four missions were
flown on a/c 42-5821, "Cindy". A photograph is
attached. This aircraft went MIA on Mission 18
to Gelsenkirchen, Germany on August 12, 1943.
Crew on the airplane were as follows:
Rees, David W, F/O, Pilot, POW Dietrich,
Clair M, 2nd Lt, Co-Pilot, POW Busch, William
L, 2nd Lt, Nav, POW Galloway, Ernest A, 2nd
Lt, Bomb, POW Murphy, Joseph L, TSgt, R Op,
KIA Brennan, John T, TSgt, TT, KIA
Fiorani, Dominick D, SSgt, Ball, KIA
Lundquist, Chester H, SSgt, RW, KIA Williams,
James A, SSgt, LW, KIA Govern, Stanley M,
SSgt, Tail, KIA
None of the survivors are
on our current Association roster.
Responding 4 2/5/2005 Kent
Search No. 1254 - Michael J. Liptak
From: Jon
Goebel, ashley031604@excite.com To:
looking4@379thbga.org Sent: Saturday, January
29, 2005 12:20 PM Subject: Friend In the
I am looking for Michael
J. Liptak. He was a Bombardier in the 525th
Bombardment Squadron. Thats aboput all the
information I have on him. He was a great
friend. If you could help it would be great.
Thank You Jonathan Goebel
Jon - Association records for Michael J.
Liptak show he flew 2 missions as a Bombardier
with the 525th Squadron from April 19, 1945 to
April 25, 1945. Our records indicate mission
numbers 328 and 330. Lt. Liptak may have flown
additional missions, but these are the ones we
have in our records.
Lt. Liptak is listed
on our TAPS roster. No other information is
Responding 4 2/1/2005 Kent
Search No. 1253 - Staff Sgt. E. D.
From: Tim Prehn,
oliveman@uslink.net To: looking4@379thbga.org
Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2005 12:38 PM
Subject: Staff Sgt. E.D. Prehn (Eugene)
have been trying to track down my fathers Bomber
Group to learn more about him. I am not sure
that this is the right Bomber Group, but I have
been working with the Mightyeighth and they sent
me to you.
Dad was a tail-gunner on The
Big Barn Smell. He flew 30 missions including
Berlin and Schweifurt. Around 14th August, 1944
he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross
from his commanding officer Colonel Maurice A.
He attended gunnery school in
Harligen and Mc Allen Texas. He was discharged
8th October, 1945 from Sioux Falls Army Airbase.
Dad died in 1975 at the age of 53 and is
buried in Ft. Snelling Memorial Cemetary.
It would be great to get any information I
Thanks in advance, Tim Prehn
Tim - We're sorry to hear of your father's
passing. We'll add his name to our Taps roll.
Association records for Eugene D. Prehn show
he flew 32 missions as a Tail Gunner with the
524th Squadron from April 13, 1944 to July 17,
1944. Our records indicate mission numbers 96,
97, 100, 101, 102, 104, 106, 108, 114, 115, 116,
117, 118, 119, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 132,
134, 135, 136, 138, 139, 141, 142, 143, 144,
147, 165, and 167. Sgt. Prehn may have flown
additional missions, but these are the ones we
have in our records.
The crew on "Big
Barn Smell" (photo sent separately) for Mission
96 were as follows:
Ross, Ralph R, 2nd
Lt, Pilot Drake, Francis W, 2nd Lt, Co-Pilot
Black, Ernest W, 2nd Lt, Nav Procario,
Rinaldo N, 2nd Lt, Bomb Anthony, Wayne B,
SSgt, R Op Worbois, Robert J, SSgt, TT
Clinton, John W, SSgt, Ball Guilfoyle, Thomas
P, Sgt, RW Duffy, Thomas J, Sgt, LW Prehn,
Eugene D, Sgt, Tail
Robert Worbois is on
our current Association roster.
Responding 4 1/25/2005 Kent
Search No. 1252 - Henry Swanson
From: "Swanson, Jeff", Parkee2000@sbcglobal.net
To: <looking4@379thbga.org> Sent: Tuesday,
January 25, 2005 12:14 PM Subject: Henry .
My father, Henry Swanson served
at Kimbolton, and I believe flew on the "Stump
Jumper". Any further information about him or
this crew would be appreciated.
you. Jeff Swanson
Jeff - Association records for Henry W.
Swanson show he flew 32 missions as Ball Turret,
Waist Gunner and Radio Operator with the 524th
Squadron from May 24, 1944 to August 4, 1944.
He may have flown additional missions, but we
have records for only this number. Our records
indicate mission numbers 124, 125, 126, 127,
128, 129, 130, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140,
141, 143, 144, 145, 147, 148, 149, 150, 153,
155, 168, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, and
Sgt. Swanson flew on a number of
aircraft, including "Stump Jumper". The crew on
"Stump Jumper" (photo sent separately) for
Mission 124 were as follows:
Clarence E, 1st Lt, Pilot Sweet, Graham L,
2nd Lt, Co-Pilot Rentschlar, Donald A, 2nd
Lt, Nav Rogers, George M, 2nd Lt, Bomb
Reis, Joseph (NMI), Sgt, R Op Henning,
Lawrence A, Sgt, TT Swanson, Henry W, Sgt,
Ball Neal, Willie F, SSgt, Waist
Tomaselli, Salvatore, Sgt, Tail
Jamison and Joseph Reis are on our current
Association roster.
Responding 4
1/25/2005 Kent
Search No. 1251 - Info regarding
Willis Volkening
From: "Dale" <volkening@globaldialog.com>
To: <looking4@379thbga.org> Sent: Sunday,
January 23, 2005 12:52 PM Subject: Info
regarding Willis Volkening
Hello, My
father, Willis H. Volkening, was a tail gunner
with the 379th Bomb Group in late 1943 and early
1944. I would appreciate if you could tell me
the mission numbers on which he flew and the
names of the other crew members. His first plane
was named "Wirlaway" and he was wounded on a
mission in January of '44. While he was
recovering in the hospital, the plane and her
crew went down on a mission, and he finished his
tour of duty with another crew. Thank you
very much for any information you can give me!
Dale Volkening
Dale - Association records for Willis
Volkening show he flew 30 missions as a Tail
Gunner and Waist Gunner with the 524th Squadron
from December 11, 1943 to June 8, 1944. Our
records indicate mission numbers 47, 48, 53, 56,
57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 79, 83, 86, 90, 94, 95,
99, 100, 101, 104, 109, 116, 129, 130, 132, 134,
135, 136, 138, and 139. The crew on "Whirlaway"
for Mission 62 were as follows:
Donald P, 2nd Lt, Pilot Gurney II, Charles L,
2nd Lt, Co-Pilot Darling, Daniel A, 2nd Lt,
Nav Daniels, Robert Y, 2nd Lt, Bomb
Cvitkovich, John P, TSgt, R Op Feirs, James
H, TSgt, TT Hively, Eugene F, SSgt, Ball
Sciligo, George (NMI), SSgt, RW Lantigne,
Joseph A, SSgt, LW Volkening, Willis M, SSgt,
As you indicate, most of this crew
went down on Mission 71 in another aircraft.
According to Association records, Donald McCall,
Charles Gurney, and Joseph Lantigne were taken
POW, the rest of the crew returned to base.
Following his return to duty, our records
show Sgt. Volkening flying with a number of
different crews (including Mission 116 in
"Aphrodite", commanded by Col. Maurice Preston,
Commanding Officer of the 379th Bomb Group), but
the following list on Mission 129 (flown in "Ol
Gappy/Topper", the high mission aircraft of the
379th at 157 missions - photo sent separately)
is the crew he was most associated with:
Bersinger, John W, 1st Lt, Pilot Carpenter,
George R, 2nd Lt, Co-Pilot Beloberk, Peter M,
2nd Lt, Bomb Zehel, Wendel L, SSgt, Togglier
Kyler, Louis J, TSgt, R Op Thomas, George
(NMI), TSgt, TT Clinton, John W, SSgt, Ball
Volkening, Willis M, SSgt, Waist Kile,
Kenneth B, SSgt, Tail
John Bersinger,
George Carpenter and Peter Beloberk are on our
current Association roster.
Responding 4
1/24/2005 Kent
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